This Little Light Of Mine

I was in a very magical mood when I painted this picture. I love mushrooms--not the kind people put in food- but the cute shrooms that grow in the grass, or on an old tree stump. They could be so many things--umbrellas for little critters, homes for even smaller critters, or why not a lamp for children at play after dark?

Girl holding a mushroom lantern

This little girl is on a walk in the darkness (could be night, could be symbolic) and her little light is shining, lighting the way. Shining for others to see.

Psalm 18:28 "You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light."

Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven"

Psalm 119:130 "Your word is a lamp for my feet a light on my path Lamp Unto my feet.