The Victorious Woodpecker and Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou My Vision has been a favorite hymn of mine since the group GLAD did the Acapella Project back in 1988. It was my senior year in high School, and all the kids in my youth group were loving this album—that’s saying something for this band to make hymns so popular for teenagers!

Actually, all the hymns in the Acapella Projects became favorites because of this group’s amazing job singing them. (You can hear “Be Thou My Vision” by clicking on the link)

Anyway, when I saw this crazy-looking woodpecker’s image online, I knew it belonged with this hymn—the 3rd verse in particular:

High King of heaven, my victory won
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall
Still be my vision, O ruler of all

The woodpecker has a victorious stance, even regal looking with that red crown on his head. And he is looking up, like he is climbing up to reach heaven’s joy.

When I was little I thought the phrase in the song “High King of heaven” was “Hiking up heaven”. And I thought you would have to hike up to get there by foot—haha!

May we all keep our vision on the great High King who won our victory and may we find heaven’s joy no matter what befalls us in this life, by keeping our eyes on the King.